Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Poem 2013

The new kids never got a poem
And so. this one, I write
My brain is old and kinda tired
But, I’ll try with all my might
To give a yearly update
That’s not too long or boring
Want to fill you in on life
But don’t want to leave you snoring

2013, quite a year
For little Kali Green
She’s almost always smiling
Cutest thing you’ve ever seen
She’s got more friends than we can count
A social butterfly indeed
She absolutely loves her life
And brings joy to all she sees

Kaleb is a cutie, too
A soccer playing guy
He loves the sport with all his heart
And found it hard to say goodbye
When the season ended way too soon
For a team once undefeated
Hard to lose that playoff game
Don’t want that day repeated

Bennet is a crack up
Adding drama in the house
One way you’d NOT describe her
Is “quiet as a mouse”
She’s doing great in school this year
All A’s and B’s we find
On her report card, sitting pretty
It really blows my mind

So proud of all three younger ones
So grateful that they’re here
They continue to amaze us
With each passing year
They’re smart and strong and funny
And fit so perfectly
In the not-so-structured structure
Of our crazy family

When Gatlin and Cooper were four and six
They were both completely bit
By the acting bug that drew them in
And for years they’ve worked at it
They’ve honed their craft and tweaked their skills
They’ve sung for all to hear
And this year brought a nice surprise
That caused us all to cheer

A call from Nickelodeon
About a show called, “Twang”
Started things in motion
That ended with a bang
Two weeks on set in Hollywood
Could not have been more fun
We’re hoping and we’re praying
That the ride has just begun

To see them get to use their gifts
Together, is a thrill
To watch them grow in grace and love
Is even better still
To have the “littles” proudly watch
Coop and Gat performing
And hear them laugh a belly laugh
Is so very rewarding

Brian’s had a busy year
Both home and on the road
He’s been out with Steven Curtis
In frenzied tour mode
When here, he’s still producing
Songs and records left and right
We’re so very, very grateful
For the work the Lord provides

We did, however, have a loss
In August of this year
When Brian’s dad said goodbye
And took his last breath here
He’s now singing with the angels
And Brian’s mother, too
We couldn’t be more thankful
For that eternal truth

I’m just eating bon bons
ha ha ha ha ha 
You have to laugh or go insane
When you are the Mooooooommmmm (rhyme is lacking, whatevs!!)
To five amazing children
Who keep me on my toes
There’s never a dull moment
As all us Mommas know

I did have one big change this year
On January 17
I started with Rodan + Fields
Cause money had been lean
It’s become the kind of blessing
I couldn’t have imagined
Helping others find it, too
Has now become a passion

As this poem comes to a close
I want to wish you all
A New Year filled with things you love
Both big and very small
The smallest babe was born one night
In that stable far away
My prayer is that you know Him
And that HE will light your way

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

The Greens

Brian, Wendi, Cooper, Gatlin, Bennet, Kaleb and Kali